ATTENTION – This is going to be another banner season. All leagues are full.
Registration Forms
Spring 2022 Players
If you were with us in the Spring, we only need the “CBFO Online Registration Form” and payment.
New Players
If you were not with us in the Spring, welcome, we are glad to have you. The county requires us to collect the forms below, Knox County Registration, Sudden Cardiac Arrest, and the Concussion form. You will need to complete the CBFO form as well. These forms will need to be printed and either mailed to us or dropped off at the fields. There is a secure dropbox on the front door of the CBFO Field House. The address for mailing is below. Please don’t forget payment.
- CBFO Registration Form
- Player Packet Download which contains
- Knox County Registration
- Concussion Form
- Sudden Cardiac Arrest
- Coach Packet Download which contains
- Knox County Registration
- Concussion Form
- Sudden Cardiac Arrest
Forms can be brought to any of the remaining games or if that isn’t convenient you can mail them to:
Chris Brown
1431 Destiny Ridge Way
Knoxville, TN 37932
Registration Fees
All Leagues – $120
* Add $5 if paying with a credit card.
** Add $23 if not a Knox County resident * not required if you paid in the Spring.
Please make checks out to “CBFO Softball”. Please list the name of the player(s) on the memo section of the check.